Adonis Designs Press
P.O. Box 202
Chatham, IL 62629
We read book proposals and manuscripts. There is no reading fee.
Nonfiction book proposals and NTM submissions DO NOT require an entry fee or reading fee. It is free to send us your work.
(The JAM Poetry Book Award requires a non-refundable $25 entry fee in the United States and Canada. Outside of North America a non-refundable $35 US funds entry fee is required. Multiple entries should include an entry fee for each entry.)
Mail book proposals to: Adonis Designs Press, Book Proposal, P.O. Box 202, Chatham, IL 62629.
Check individual web pages for complete contest and series guidelines, mailing instructions and updates.
Entries, proposals, and manuscripts will not be returned. Only winners will be notified.
Adonis Designs Press
P.O. Box 202
Chatham, IL 62629