My daughter texted me that she is currently stuck on David Bowie’s song “Changes.” As many times as I’ve listened to the song, I never really listened closely to the lyrics or read them until today. What great lines — “turn and face the strange,” “so I turned to face me” and “ripples change their size but never leave the stream.” As the country slips into fall and times change along with landscape and temperatures, my daughter and I are facing more major changes in our lives. But we are “facing the strange” with faith. We are trying to remember to look at the indescribable beauty of light and color in autumn trees, to revel in cooler breezes that whisper into our skin. When the progression to something new is so evident, remember to pause for pleasure. It’s there moving in the ripples always waiting for us to see it.
Source: ADP
Crossing the desert
Riding home at dusk just north of Phoenix, where the mountains ease into valley and where the saguaro cacti first begin to appear on the landscape, I was captivated by their beauty as silhouettes in the waning light. They looked like crosses. I thanked God for giving me the ability to see beauty, but more so for giving me the ability to see life through a unique perspective. It takes 75 to 100 years for a saguaro to grow its first side arm. These are old cacti. I don’t know for sure, but the Indians must have considered them holy landmarks as well.
Source: ADP
Posted in On Nature 100 Days of Dance